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Old 05-05-2019, 01:54 PM   #70
gravy boat
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Default Could be....

... any celebs or big money. Tilton already said not MB from GI. So..... who? Lots of old money.. and new money up here.

Mitt? Nah, too busy playing politics.
Sandler? Hmmm... good to see him on SNL last night and see a true talent on that show after a long dry spell. But doesn't seem that he likes to call that much attention to himself in the every day.
One of the Patriots ?
How about HHH or his father-in-law?
Damon of Affleck?
A Marriot?
Maybe DickieBfromHB who is FINALLY leaving CA for a better place among family here in Nh?
While it is "privately owned", perhaps intention of operating as a business?
Maybe anybody that flies under the radar and we never find out as registered in a corp name ... Like the jets that fly in and out of LAC.
Oh wait! A Saudi Sheik who bought it for his sons to get away for a weekend a year and who will bring it to the NASWA if can get under the bridge.
Could be just another rich person who will park it and use it 2 times a year when up for vacation.

Going to be great seeing it after all of this suspense. The build up has certainly been propagated by postings on this forum... including mine.

No matter who owns it, I admit it would be nice to have that expendable income and I look forward to seeing it!

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