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Old 05-03-2019, 07:47 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by ApS View Post
The Deputy Director of ICE was interviewed this afternoon on Boston's WRKO.

A pilot program to determine fraud among family units crossing the border was conducted using rapid-field DNA testing. Of the 100 volunteers for the 90-minute test, the results disclosed that 30 were not family units.

Sooooo, how is criminal fraud, "child-recycling", "Affordable Healthcare" and "human-trafficking" going to play-out in the long term?

This "absurdly obvious answer" will require a name for Congressional scrutiny—how about "The Affordable Waitstaff Act"?

Here's the paragraph i think the numbers came from (bold is mine):

Since April 18, CBP has referred 101 families for suspected fraud to ICE special investigators, a DHS official told reporters Wednesday. Of those, 29 were determined to be fraudulent, resulting in 45 people being referred for prosecution and 33 being accepted by prosecutors. CBP doesn’t have figures yet for April, but in the month prior, 53,077 family units were apprehended at the southern border, placing best estimates for the rate of fraud somewhere below half a percent. That’s in line with a report by BuzzFeed that found about 3,100 people, or 1 percent of all migrants last year, did something that could be considered fraudulent, including lying about being part of a family or saying someone older than 18 was a child.

As I interpret the article the conclusion is there is very little fraud.

Either way, there's a shortage of seasonal workers in the Lakes Region...
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