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Old 04-04-2019, 06:33 AM   #19
The Real BigGuy
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Originally Posted by ApS View Post
You enter Nevada's SR-50 by driving downhill onto a roadway with miles and miles of visibility ahead. :
Great Picture! Reminds me of trip my wife, my Gordon Setter, and I took from Boston to Northern AZ. In 1978. We traveled in a TR-6 with a trunk lashed to the luggage rack and camped our way across. We took the southern (to avoid late fall snow) route and ended up on Rt 20 across Texas. One night we stopped near Odessa and pitched our pup tent. A little crowded with me, a big dog, and the wife but cozy.

I wake up at day break, open the flaps and there is a blizzard going with 3 or 4 inches on the ground. I wake the wife and we are running around stuffing the tent & sleeping bags into the trunk, getting it tied down, getting the dog in the TR and getting out of there before we are snowed in. Visibility is about 20 ft. Thank goodness the camp ground was pretty close to the highway on-ramp. Nothing has been plowed.

As I start up the ramp and as we reach the end a trailer truck passes. I pull onto the roadway and stay far enough behind that I can just see it’s tail lights. I had no idea where the road was. The TR is skittering around in the deep snow and ruts created by other vehicles and I’m locked onto the tail lights. If the truck went off the highway and drove out into a field I was going to be right behind it.

We drive this way for what seemed at the time like hours as the snow starts letting up. All of a sudden we reach the western edge of a plateau with a view very similar to your picture. About 2/3rds of the the way down there is a line going right to left for as far as we could see either way. On my side everything is white. On the far side everything is desert colors. Boy were we happy to finally reach the desert side.

On a brighter note, we ended up in AZ instead of Boston when the blizzard of 78 hit.

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