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Old 02-16-2019, 02:33 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by Dave R View Post
Anyone that's ever operated a boat going upstream into a stiff current can understand why this is dumb. Against a 5 MPH current, my boat can still steer at -1 MPH SOG. In other words, I can be going 4MPH against the water and be in total control of my boat while moving backwards at -1 MPH relative to the shore. If this passes, anyone that can steer their boat at 5 MPH or less may not legally go upstream into a 5 MPH current. They need to adjust the wording to make it clear that actually making headway is the goal when it comes to headway speed, defining the speed by steering capability alone is dumb dumb dumb...
In earlier threads about NWZs there are those who argue that as long as you are not exceeding 6MPH you are fine, regardless of the wake being created - and are willing to take the time and effort to challenge a ticket which means the MP is off the water and in a courtroom.

This poster’s scenario is definitely not going to create a wake, nor will he receive a ticket.

If I have to choose between the two scenarios, and it seems we all do as there is always that group looking for loopholes rather use common sense and follow the intent of the law, I opt for the revisions to the rule.
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