Thread: Wow trail
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Old 12-17-2018, 12:08 PM   #66
Trail Goer
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Originally Posted by birchhaven View Post
I had not hear that 1 million dollar # but WOW. 1st that means for roughly 15 weeks, 7 days a week, they sell close to 500 adult tickets per day. No way!! haha, I see it empty 80% of the time and at most 30 people on it. So I am missing something that they are selling to generate that revenue. 2nd, That train has got to cost way more than 1 million to operate per year. 3rd if that is correct, 100k to the state is not enough to maintain those tracks, not even close. So it is being subsidized one way or another. So we should all stop saying it is profitable and that the state makes money on it. What we should say is that it is a nice novelty, and probably draws money in other ways, and employs a lot of people and that is all good.

$100K to the state, the numbers don't lie and I don't think the are offering to pay more than the 10% they are required. I have no idea what their overhead cost are but if it were a million a year then they would be out business or in that case they would be making far more than 1 million a year which you claim is impossible, since the trains according to your assertion are empty. Do you work in the railroad industry, do you know how much it cost to maintain railroad tracks to FRA Class 1 standards?
You're mud slinging unfounded info at a wall and hoping it sticks, you don't like the train that's fine, that's your opinion but if your going to argue your point, use facts don't just make stuff up.
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