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Old 11-08-2018, 10:47 PM   #24
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Default ... letter to LaDaSun, Nov 6 2018: Laconia Heritage Commission

New marina building blocks traditional Lakeport views

To the Daily Sun,

Numerous people have come to us to express their shock and dismay at the structure being constructed at Lakeport Landing around the old Lakeport fire station. They complain that it destroys the character of the area, blocks the view of the Lakeport Baptist Church as one travels north on Union Avenue and the view of Opechee as one travels south.

As members of the Heritage Commission, we have no authority to effect policy or oppose planning decisions. It is our mission to advise, to preserve the fabric and character of neighborhoods and structures that the people of Laconia cherish.

The minutes of the Planning Board and the City Council document the chronology of events and decisions that led to this point. In October of 2017 a preliminary design, printed in the Laconia Daily Sun and described as a "one - story structure," was approved by the Planning Board but dependent on the resolution of certain contentious issues between Ms Erica Blizzard, owner of Lakeport Landing and the city of Laconia. In October 2018 a second design, described by the Sun as a "two-story structure," was approved by the City Council. At neither meeting did any member of the public express disapproval or opposition. So why are we surprised by the result?

Rick Green, reporter for the Daily Sun said he believed that what is being built was the design submitted, but he also admitted that it was difficult to read the scale in the drawing. This is the crux of the problem. One has to look closely to see any reference to scale - there are no human figures or cars in the scene - but if one studies the details, one can see that each story is actually two stories high, resulting in a four - story building. The white rear upper part is pierced by windows that echo those of the Opera House across the street - a deliberate architectual quotation. This is a charming evocation of the history of Lakeport, but it is optically deceptive. It enhances the impression that this is a two-story building the size of a house.

What can we learn from this? That we who care about the character and history of this city need to be more vigilant - and intelligently, informed so - to preserve the heritage we value.

Laconia Heritage Commission

Jane Whitehead, Mary Ellen Boudman, Dorothy Duffy, Mary Jane Hoey, Catherine Tokarz, Michael Sweet
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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