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Old 09-28-2018, 08:17 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by Garcia View Post
As a school administrator I agree but only somewhat. In my 30 year career the number of unfunded mandates, amount of paperwork, documentation, requirements around supervision, standardized testing, need to work with various state and federal agencies, etc. has increased exponentially. How I spend my day has changed dramatically as now I spend far more time doing paperwork and less time interacting in meaningful ways with staff and students.

I did not ask for these changes and in fact campaign against them as much as possible. But the reality is that the nature of my job has changed and what one person could do now requires multiple people - despite a shrinking student population. Long time primary care doctors report similar things - more time is spent doing things other than interacting with patients.

I am not complaining and absolutely love what I do. However, decisions are made at the town, district, state, and federal level that have brought about unintended consequences. What's the answer? That is a topic for a different discussion and perhaps different forum.

Back to the issue of property tax in NH. What one thinks of as wasteful, unnecessary spending is someone else's essential program.
My daughter is a RN and she complains of the same thing in her profession. More paper work means less time caring for patients.
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