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Old 09-18-2018, 07:49 AM   #59
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Starting on April 15, 2019, paying the federal 2018 personal federal income tax will include a ten thousand dollar limit on your state property tax deduction from your federal income tax. So, if you pay $30,000/year property tax on a Lake Winnipesaukee mcmansion, you will now have a new $20,000 net cash pay-out in federal tax.

How does that feel? This is just so unfair ...... boo-hoo ..... and could make the difference for not buying a new motor boat. Gee wiz ..... our income tax is going up, so no new boat this year ..... maybe just a new Sun Dolfin Bali 13.5' family kayak for the low, low, low price of ...... don't a u-know ....only $250 .... at u-know where ...... the Plymouth Walmart!

With the new tariff increases on consumer goods made in China, will this $250 price seem like a steal of a deal, come next year? It is a steal of a deal and the Plymouth Walmart has two big blue kayaks left, as of yesterday. So, go beat the ***** China tariff increase on consumer goods and buy it soon.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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