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Old 09-18-2018, 07:49 AM   #59
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Starting on April 15, 2019, paying the federal 2018 personal federal income tax will include a ten thousand dollar limit on your state property tax deduction from your federal income tax. So, if you pay $30,000/year property tax on a Lake Winnipesaukee mcmansion, you will now have a new $20,000 net cash pay-out in federal tax.

How does that feel? This is just so unfair ...... boo-hoo ..... and could make the difference for not buying a new motor boat. Gee wiz ..... our income tax is going up, so no new boat this year ..... maybe just a new Sun Dolfin Bali 13.5' family kayak for the low, low, low price of ...... don't a u-know ....only $250 .... at u-know where ...... the Plymouth Walmart!

With the new tariff increases on consumer goods made in China, will this $250 price seem like a steal of a deal, come next year? It is a steal of a deal and the Plymouth Walmart has two big blue kayaks left, as of yesterday. So, go beat the Trump China tariff increase on consumer goods and buy it soon.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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