Thread: Sawyers
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Old 07-28-2018, 04:20 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by jetskier View Post
Hi all,

Speaking strictly from the consumer side, I think that consumers consider the value of restaurants based upon the following critera:
  1. Experience
    - some restaurants are an experience and that is what the consumer is willing to pay for. This might be a view or ambience etc...
  2. Quality
    - the quality of the food, not necessarily the quantity of the food.
  3. Cost
    - the perceived value of what is being offered vs. what is being charged.

Having dined at Sawyers, it certainly does not rank in quality or cost.

Also note, that the consumer does not weigh the relative costs associated with running the business as eating out is a discretionary choice. We all have our biases...but restaurants that don't hit one or more of the aforementioned are likely to be temporary in a competitive market. Sawyers is really just an experience as we all remember it from our youth - they are only open during the summer, so that likely works for them.

Just my 2 cents.

So this post will help you see the complex issues that restaurant owners face each and every day, here is my view on your list.
  1. Cost - the perceived value of what is being offered vs. what is being charged.
[*]Quality - the quality of the food, not necessarily the quantity of the food.

[*]Experience - some restaurants are an experience and that is what the consumer is willing to pay for. This might be a view or ambience etc...
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