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Old 07-28-2018, 07:37 AM   #34
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Last week I was on vacation and rented a place near the west end of Sallys Gut. I typically avoid the Weirs area at all costs because of the amount of traffic and behavior of boaters in the area but since my wife liked the place we rented, I spent a lot of the week in what I feel are the most dangerous waters on the lake.

The good news is that, for the most part, I found mid-week boaters in the area to be professional and well behaved. I may have been lucky but I only had two incidents that made me shake my head.

The first was when I was approaching the narrow area between the markers off Pitchwood. I would guess the "channel" there is only 200-300 feet wide (being generous) and there were 3 boats stopped there "socializing" with each other. They were right in the middle of the area and seperated enough to completely shutdown the passage for boats on plane which I found equivilent to parking in the left lane on rt 93 to get out and talk to a buddy on the road. I came off plane to pass and in the next minute or so I must have had 6 boats pass me on plane. All these boats were 25-30 footers kicking up massive wakes and definitely within 50 feet of me. While I kept my cool, I was a bit heated as both the behavior of the people lounging in the busy area and the boats ignoring the 150 rule.

The second was after we picked up some lunch in Weirs and were cruising at headway speed toward Governors and enjoying some burgers and fries. There wasn't a boat within a mile of me when a toon came up on my starboard on plane at a distance close enough that I literally could have hit him with a french fry (20 feet). Completely unnecessary as the entrire bay was open to him.

My wife commended me on my cool but as I told her...I was expecting much worse for the week in that area and was greatful that we didn't get any close calls or a lot more of that behavior. I think part of the 150 rule issue is that not all states have the rule and people that come up from other states are unaware of the rule here. Ignorance of the law is no excuse and courtesy SHOULD be the rule on the water but I am understanding of why so many 150 foot rules are broken due to the inconsistent law across state borders. I really expected to see a much more prominent presense of MP in the area...don't think I saw them in the Weirs all week.

Bottom line: drive defensively, always assume the other guys doesn't see you and doesn't know the laws if he did, when it doubt - come off plane and let the dangerous situation pass you. If I have someone following too close...I change my heading and let them pass. Defuse situations before they become dangerous when possible. I am greatful for the 95% of captains on the lake that know what they are doing and give the other 5% a wide birth.
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