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Old 07-26-2018, 09:23 AM   #41
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Default Same thing in air traffic control

Originally Posted by Dave R View Post
Unless you are both on the same heading (or 180 degrees off), that boat is headed toward a spot that you will have vacated by the time it arrives. It's a common and smart technique to turn directly toward the stand-on boat in a crossing situation, then hold that heading. The stand-on boat is obligated to maintain course and speed, so its bearing, relative to the give-way boat, will change and there will be no collision course. When you see a give-way boat change direction and head directly at you at a distance like that, it's usually a sign that the operator is smart and wants you to know they see you, they are not trying to intimidate you.
In a radar environment, when controlling aircraft on crossing courses, we commonly would "aim" one aircraft at the crossing aircraft's current position or just behind it. Of course the relative speeds of the aircraft involved must be considered.

I do the same thing on the lake, checking first to make sure no one is coming up on me from astern.
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