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Old 07-25-2018, 07:51 AM   #30
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Default Appreciate your philosophy...However...

Originally Posted by Cal Coon View Post
I realize that I will probably get beat up for this, but, if you have only had 1 "serious" close call since 1961, I don't think that's too bad. I think you're doing pretty good. It certainly doesn't make the lake dangerous if you have 1 close call every 57yrs. Life is a risk, and we all know there are stupid people out there, so If you are going to participate in ANYTHING that has the possibility of being dangerous, then don't be surprised when it is. Expect close calls and (hopefully) you will be aware to avoid them if, and when they arise. It's just the responsible thing to do. I've owned a boat (and motorcycle) since 1987 and have never had any serious close calls yet. Just dumb luck?? Who knows??? I just pay close attention to my surroundings, relax and enjoy!! However, I've had my share of close calls on a snowmobile though, mostly my own fault, but have been lucky to dodge any serious injury/damage so far, and can't wait for the next ride!!! lol A dangerous world is an exciting world, a safe world is boring. IMHO The boat crash on the Columbia river video is some exciting stuff...!!! (Maybe a little too exciting!!) That was a really stupid person that should have been locked up for a few for that one! I would love to know if alcohol, or just plain not paying attention (stupidity), was involved. Not sure which would be worse, both worth serving some time though.
I don't mind, and enjoy living "on the edge", at times. However, it only takes one incident in 57 years of living to end it. Dying by my own actions is one thing, dying as a bi-product of someone else's incompetence and stupidity, well, that's something I couldn't live with!!!
~~~~_/) ~~~
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