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Old 07-23-2018, 07:19 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Beauport View Post
Hi Captain, We met near Ambrose Cove on Saturday afternoon as we were both headed towards Green's Basin. It sure was crowded out there and I thought as a newer boater you might appreciate some words of encouragement from another captain. I say Captain because both of us have responsibility for our vessels and those aboard as the guys at the controls. It is a serious responsibility and the boating safety course is really only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to keeping ourselves and passengers safe.

I was the guy in front of you who was approaching the crossing traffic and several boats that had slowed to idle to allow safe passage for everyone in the narrow section between the rocks on both sides. You probably remember since there were seven or eight boats caught in an area too small to allow safe passage at speed. You were following me very closely (well under the 150 feet law) and probably did not understand your responsibility under the circumstances.

It is really easy to find your vessel closing fast on the vessel ahead when it slows if you are not paying *very* close attention. I'm sure this is why you were bearing down on my stern at 20+ mph until you heard me screaming. I made at least one similar mistake when I was a new boater although I was never close enough to rely on the forward vessel's captain's shout to realize the situation.

I understand your response to my shouts, indicating that I was at fault for throwing on my brakes. Since you are likely new to the role of Captain, I thought it would make sense to clarify that boats do not have brakes. The closest similarity might be throwing the vessel into reverse, but even if that had been the case (it was not) it remains the following vessel's responsibility to maintain safe distance (and in NH, to maintain 150 feet or operate at idle). I'm sure there are well versed members of the forum that can quote the specific rules.

My point in raising this is to encourage you to take responsibility for safe passage and err on the side of safety when uncertain about what lies ahead. This was an unreasonably close call and no captain should rely on the shouts of another vessel to realize they are at risk of imminent collision. If you are not sufficiently cautious about your own safety, think of the family members you appeared to have on your boat. They are relying on your judgement and as a new boater you have to feel the gravity of that responsibility.

My son is convinced you were embarrassed by your mistake despite your shouted excuses. Watching you steam ahead far too close to other vessels after the incident did not convince me this was true, but I am going to hope that on reflection you realized how your entire life could have changed in no more than 1-2 seconds more time. Colliding with my boat from the rear could have changed your life in a profound and irreversible way.

I did make note of your destination and assume it is your home. I am not planning to take further action to encourage your growth as a captain, but I will be watching for you and keeping a wide berth. I hope I will not regret finding a more definitive way to ensure you take your responsibility seriously in the future. I do not want to be even indirectly responsible for you causing an accident with similar actions.

Stay safe.

THIS is how it is done!

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