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Old 07-04-2018, 03:45 PM   #45
Cal Coon
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Originally Posted by Poor Richard View Post
Not once in my life so far have I been under questionable circumstances with any interaction involving law enforcement, NH law enforcement included.

I'll go out on a limb and say, you have not been infringed upon and if you have, there was likely a good reason for it.

And I want to be sure I'm clear on your's not that they "have", it's that they "can" board your vessel, truck, snowmobile, etc, yes?
Yes, I am saying they "can", and I don't think that's right, and yes I have been infringed upon. I have been driving a commercial vehicle for a living now for over 30yrs in the state of NH and I have seen first hand the overwhelming presence develop over the years. The weigh station at exit 3 on the northbound side of 93 is open now more often than it's closed. They pick and choose who they stop and check, and when you pass their inspection they put a sticker on your windshield so you think maybe you don't have to worry about getting inspected again for a while, but no, 3 weeks after getting a sticker one day, I get inspected again in the same truck with the 3 week old sticker at the same weigh station, just a different inspector. What's the purpose of the sticker??? Again, I have nothing to hide, I just don't think it's right when I have done NOTHING wrong... All in the name of "safety". Also, on two separate occasions while minding my own business at a gas station on my snowmobile, I have been asked to open my hood so they can check for an altered exhaust. My sled wasn't even running on either occasion!!! Probably just because of the "brand", but still not right. All my sleds are stock except for handlebar risers. I cooperate fully as to not make things worse, but I am STEAMING inside because this is not the America I want to live in. How ironic I went for a motorcycle ride today, and as I was going by West Alton Marina, their message board read: "I will take dangerous freedom over safe slavery anytime", or something to that effect. No need to beat me up if I didn't get it verbatim. Made me very proud. Couldn't agree more WAM!!

Last edited by Cal Coon; 07-05-2018 at 03:51 PM.
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