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Old 01-16-2018, 11:02 AM   #42
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Default Toyota Dealership in San Fran...

Brought my truck in for an oil change and was told the "throttle barrel" needed to be cleaned for $135 because of the varnish buildup. So I paid it and drove off.

Next oil change the dealership informed that the "throttle barrel" was varnished and needed to be cleaned. I asked them how often this should be done. They said about every 20-30,000. I told them to look in their own records and notice that they "supposedly" cleaned it less than 5,000 ago.

They couldn't explain it, but cleaned it for "free" this time. Everyone got involved including the manager, in explaining to me how this could happen...I have no idea what any of them said. I still go there because it's convenient. But, now, any suggested work beyond the oil change, is getting another opinion and should I discover any attempt to take advantage, will be getting a swift and unpleasant response.
~~~~_/) ~~~
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