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Old 01-14-2018, 09:53 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by BIguy View Post
Has anyone been on the ice in the area of Shep Brown's or Cattle Landing? Where is the best place to get on the ice? What are the ice conditions like? I'd like to hike out to Bear Island this week.
Was out on Bear today - got on over at Sheps. Getting on near the landing behind the showroom is not a problem, there is a good 8-10" or more where you get on near shore just stay well to the right of the open water where the ice eaters are. Walking out most of the ice is black/clear and since it is was easy to keep an eye on the overall thickness based on the stress cracking. Pretty much seen a consistent 10 to 12" all the way out and through the Bear/Pine island gap. There is a pressure ridge forming (as usual) along the NW shore of Bear which takes a turn towards 3 mile island right around the black top on the NW tip of Bear. Always use caution when approaching those pressure ridges, right now it's good and solid.

As always ice conditions change so due caution should be used, this information is being provided based on my observations today. If you do venture out don't assume what I've seen is consistent everywhere.

Oh and far as the parking situation at Sheps, about 1/4 of the parking lot is plowed.
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