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Old 12-30-2017, 04:52 PM   #29
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About 5ish years ago, with the help of my local snowmobile club, I built a decent (not elaborate) bridge across the brook on my property. I supplied most of the material. To be fair, this trail was used more by locals than the general riding population, but it was a secondary feeder trail that was generally used as a shortcut for a smaller loop ride and was open and used by the public. Three weeks after building that bridge, someone had stolen ALL the new materials used to make that bridge. 2x4's, Plywood etc. and left a mess of what little was not stolen.

I had the trail closed and there is no longer a reasonable "loop trail" as far as I know.

So, with all due respect, I can not ever see a land owner being "selfish". It is the few that ruin it for the many.

Sorry for the rant.
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