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Old 12-13-2017, 09:15 AM   #50
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How do you figure it was a "money grab" by the city? The state law indicates at what percentage of valuation a city or town must maintain. The city has no control over the real estate market nor do they have any influence on the contractor Vision Appraisal and the values they come up with. If your property appraised 15%-40% higher... that's because some of your neighbors sold out and cashed out. Vision has to have the comps to back up their appraisals. You can always file for an abatement if you feel its appraised too high.

It doesn't matter if you believe the real estate market to be sustainable or not. It traditionally rises & falls in a cycle. The corresponding appraisals will also rise & fall accordingly (although there is a year or two lag time). The City will raise and lower the tax rate as the cycle dictates. The current tax rate has dropped...

I am happy you are able to own waterfront property... however, I do not have much sympathy for you when it comes to taxes. The big fish gobble the little fish, and this is especially true when it comes to desirable real estate like waterfront property. Your property value has risen thanks to the bigger out of state fish gobbling up the property owned by the smaller out of state fish. Supply & demand drive the marketplace... and waterfront property is in HUGE demand.

The only way to eliminate ignorant behavior is through education. You can't fix stupid.
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