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Old 12-13-2017, 08:25 AM   #49
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Default Thank you, too!

Originally Posted by trackeer View Post
BTW, from one Army member to another, Thank You!!!!
Same to you trackeer! When I was a kid (13-15), I used to take my 14 foot Glastron with a giant (oversized) 40 horse Johnson motor to Pickerel Cove to waterski when Paugus Bay was too rough. The boat could barely fit through the culvert.

Obviously, most residents of Laconia are good, hardworking people. However, as you recognize, there is an element downtown that detracts from the City's ability to attract businesses. Presently, "there are 14 low income housing apartment complexes which contain 619 affordable apartments for rent in Laconia." ( My wife, who isn't timid, called me the other day from Church Street. She was picking up a prescription for her mother from Genesis, and was being followed by a tweaker with a backpack. She was genuinely scared, and called me just in case. Unfortunately, that is all too common an experience downtown.

And jetskier, I am glad you mentioned the WOW trail. I read in the Daily Sun about an incident (some sort of crime, robbery maybe) in which the perpetrator got away on the WOW trail. That is what our $400,000 paid for!

We need a comprehensive plan to eliminate section 8 housing from downtown in an effort to attract businesses. Unfortunately, I am afraid improvement is impossible until this happens.
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