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Old 12-10-2017, 06:30 AM   #78
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Judicial Watch, and so many others like it, are a huge part of the problem with the ACA and the state of affairs in general. They present a very biased point of view under a self proclaimed heading of being non partisan. It is so easy today to surround ourselves with like minded viewpoints and to only hear things that support things we want to be true. My suggestion? Go out of your way to tune in to other, legitimate sources of information. If you read the New York Times or Washington Post, then be sure to see what the Wall Street Journal has to say. Are you a Fox News watcher? Then don’t forget to flip over to CNN.

What’s my refuge and what gives me hope for the future? Heading to the lake where I enter a different world where optimism overflows. If I could get our Congress to come visit me on the island for a weekend they would relax and see the way things can be and stop the incessant bickering and finger pointing that is the current state of affairs!

Last edited by Garcia; 12-10-2017 at 09:27 AM.
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