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Old 12-10-2017, 05:42 AM   #76
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Exclamation But When Government Becomes Its Own Lobbyist...

Lobbyists are deep in The Swamp.

Originally Posted by Flylady View Post
Drug companies and insurance companies spend millions in supporting the campaigns of senators and congress just to make sure the politicians are beholding to them. Why do you think at the same time Obama care was put into place the government included an anti compete claus in drug cost...meaning that the government could not go out and shop for best pricing meds....The ACA is broken because after passed the republican senate refused to maintain the plan as intended. They cut funding and created uncertainty in the insurance market. As I have read the original ACA plan was expected to stabilize in 5 years and cost of premium would level off as more people were i the plans. So now with the gutting of the plan we are all let holding a larger bag because the Senate and Congress lied. After 7 years of attacking the ACA and disabling it along the way they had absolutely nothing to offer. But wait there is more......remember the social security you and your employer paid for all those years you worked......they plan on reducing your "entitlement" on this as well. They just can not keep their hands off of our money.
Yesterday, I received a mailing from the respected "Judicial Watch". Their latest:

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today announced it received two production of documents, 77 pages and 108 pages, from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) revealing the Obama IRS coordinated with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Obama White House Behavioral Sciences “Team” in a $5 million program to pressure Americans to sign up for Obamacare. The documents also contain inter-agency agreements between the IRS and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) devised to circumvent potential legal prohibitions on unauthorized disclosure or inspection of taxpayer information collected by the IRS. The documents were produced under court order in an April 2017 Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the IRS and HHS filed after agencies failed to respond to November 2016 FOIA requests
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