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Old 07-18-2017, 11:08 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by paintitredinHC View Post
Oh boy...

If you take Dante's original post and replace Wakesetter with a watch brand, it illustrates the absurdity of the argument.

My point is, it's inappropriate to demand regulation on something that can be addressed through a combination of education and preventative measures. As I've said before on here, there is a proper (and considerate) way to tow somebody behind a boat. If done correctly and in the appropriate venue for a particular sport, the resulting wake should not be a problem.

- Drive in straight lines
- Coordinate your line with other riders/skiers in the same cove/bay
- No power turns
- Wakesurf/Tube in larger bays (i.e. not Blackies)
- Stay 150' from shore (ample space for wake to dissipate)

Understand that wakeboarder's and water skiers both want calm water which is why they seek out cove's that are protected from wind. Skiers do not want a large wake. In fact, they want the flattest wake possible. Wakeboarder's use the larger wake behind a ballast filled boat to generate pop for aerial tricks, however the water still needs to be calm to hold a consistent board edge towards the wake.

To be fair, not everyone that own's a Malibu Wakesetter is an upstanding citizen who considers the impact of their actions. In fact, an argument can be made that some in that demographic can be quite inconsiderate. But, that doesn't mean all wakeboard boats should be outlawed from specific area's of the lake. If everyone is informed of proper protocol, it won't be an issue.

Also consider that people that live in Blackies may have purchased their homes for the implicit reason that it is great for skiing/wakeboarding. I know that some have mentioned in this thread that it was an outside boat that caused this issue. Tell me how would you plan to enforce a rule that disallows outside wakeboard boats from using this cove (or other similar coves for that matter) but not impede the rights of wakeboarding homeowners in said cove?

I shouldn't even be on here probably wasting my time typing this, but somebody has to provide context. The crusade continues.
You're right--many of these boats are powered by people who are not "upstanding citizens". So please don't try to make the case that all we need to do is "inform" them.

This forum is full of threads on boat owners who remain grossly and dangerously uninformed of even the most basic safety issues, never mind detailed instructions of how to pilot a specialized craft.
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