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Old 05-08-2017, 11:05 AM   #15
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Default in 2004

In 2004, I had a 6KW Dayton installed. I did my own concrete pad and dug the trenches for propane and electric feed, about 50 feet each to get the unit into a protected area away from the house. I don't recall anything about permits, but maybe the electrician did that. The longest I've been without power was 5.5 days and no problem with propane. This is pretty much "whole House (3200 sf, although we don't run clothes dryer and oven at the same time. Our cook top is the only other propane use, and we don't have central A/C.) We were more interested in keeping the computers powered, but when you lose power, you often lose internet/cable too. Bummer.
Little service needed. The propane folks do charge a minimum delivery fee if you don't need much product, so unless there is prolonged use, we only fill once a year.
The generator does shut down automatically if the oil level gets low. We learned that when we called for delivery after several days when the generator shut down. The delivery man filled the tank , but said it wasn't near empty. "Did you check the oil?" Hmmm.

We're very happy, and so are the friends and neighbors who visit to take showers. We think of winter storms, but the first time it came on was June of 2004. Thunderstorm. We were traveling and the neighbors watching the house said it worked as advertised. They were quite envious.
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