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Old 10-28-2016, 05:18 AM   #38
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Visited the sandwich shop.

Sorry folks. But it ain't gonna happen. As I mentioned before these flatlanders spent way too much money making the place look pretty.

Prices are high. Local contractors - the bread and butter of any sandwich shop just will continue to use Murphy's and Subway.

The pretty quazi wooden floor has buckled. Leaking water from one of the coolers. Condensation dripping on a "wood" floor. Whose brilliant idea was it to put a wood floor in a high traffic area? Again, it shows that there was no business plan.

I met the out of state lady that purchased the old Sandwich Country Store. Closed now. Gone.

I met the people that purchased the North Sandwich store. Closed and gone now.

I met the owner (two attempts over the decades) of the two sandwich shops located at the Nichols building. Both closed and gone now.

I met the owner of the pizza/sandwich shop located in one of the Kayak buildings. Gone now closed.

As I stated before, this Center Harbor sandwich shop should have kept the Lee Ulm building as is. Create a good sandwich at a good value. And saved themselves a lot of money.

All should have had a business plan and all should have done a needs study. Didn't and gone now.

Sad. as all were nice folks with good intentions.
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