Thread: Suissevale
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Old 07-10-2016, 03:30 PM   #6
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I have several relatives who have owned property and/or homes in Suissevale for decades and live there year-round. I can remember when we'd all go to the beach for the afternoon and hardly anyone else was there - we practically had the place to ourselves. Unfortunately, it has been way overbuilt over the years, and the beach and its parking lot are always crowded. I think the building lots were made as small as possible, to maximize profit to the development landowners, but the beach and marina are only so big, and couldn't grow to keep up with the number of people who want to use them. My relatives rarely use the beach anymore; it's always wall-to-wall people. With all the little kids there, I wouldn't want to swim in the water. I think too many people realized how nice Suissevale was, and as a result it's nowhere near as nice as it used to be, which is a shame.
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