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Old 03-30-2016, 11:00 AM   #1
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Default All this talk about improving the there an alternative?

What I am about to say is just my observation as a frequent visitor for the past 4 decades. It is not hard opinion or based on any specific fact. So I am not trying to stir up any fights or emotions.

The question is...why do we have to improve the Weirs?

If an area is falling apart, it will continue to do so until acted upon. If we are talking about decades of neglect, then the truth starts to shine what the owners of the area think. That is not to imply that they do not want to improve. It may not make financial sense, so they are in a bind. Why invest into something that will possibly not pay off when in it's current state it still makes money?

Just because you put a fresh coat of paint on a pizza shop or gift shop, it will not bring in more customers. The entire point of coming to the Weirs may need to change. It needs to be beyond t-shirt shops, video games. Let's face it, video arcades are long gone and are usually only found in high traffic resort areas. As a 40 something with kids that play video games at home, they see little value in going to the weirs to play games. Maybe skeeball. But hey, who doesn't like Skeeball?

I have seen a lot of ideas tossed around. So the next question is... is the an alternative location for all of these ideas? All this talk about what could be done with the weirs property could be applied to another location. Build another destination spot on the lake and make sure it can cater to year round. Sure, easier said than done and I know there is no current space available on the lake. But anything is possible with the right idea and funding.

In the end I certainly hope something develops. I see what has happened to Meredith over the past few decades and love it. And I cannot wait to get fried dough from the weirs this summer with the family. The current state does not stop us from visiting, but that is more about nostalgia then about something fresh. In the end, our visits to the weirs get shorter and shorter.

Sadly if nothing get's done it will just deteriorate until it is no longer safe and things start to get condemned and decisions will be forced upon the owners and town. As an observer, this appears to already be happening?
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