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Old 08-02-2015, 08:13 AM   #1
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Angry Homeowner: Keep 150 ft away from my dock!

Yesterday while on a friends boat we found a nice quiet (no wakes) spot to anchor. This area was deep into the dog leg of Winter Harbor north to north east of the entrance to The Basin. We were not in a 'no rafting zone'.

As we were setting our anchor a woman comes running down her dock waving her arms yelling 150 feet! 150 feet!

Note we came in at idle, headway only speed as we just came through a field of other boats at anchor.

I just smiled and told the boat owner to just say thank you. I guess they decided that we were not within their zone and stopped waving us off.

Another boat then came in closer to them and set their anchor. This time a man jumped into the water and swam up to the boat to tell them to move because they can't be anchored within 150 ft of their dock!

Wow, really?!?

Edited to add a photo. You can see the home owner in the water. He claims his dock is 75 feet long, so he knows when someone is within 150 feet by double his dock length.

I stood on the bow and after that boat moved I let them know that they were well within their rights to anchor within 150 ft because there is no law that says they can't be so close.

Note that all boaters were being quiet and courteous. There was no loud music nor voices involved.

People need to know that the 150 ft rule is headway speed only, it doesn't mean you have to anchor any certain distance away from a dock. If you like, you can anchor within an inch of someone's dock. Not that I would do this, but you could legally do it if you wanted to prove a point! Just always be courteous and polite.
Don't listen to me, obviously I don't understand what I'm talking about!
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Last edited by Rich; 08-02-2015 at 09:18 PM.
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