Thread: No wake zones
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Old 08-14-2014, 01:32 PM   #64
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As you know, most small boat owners (not Forum members, of course) don't realize the size and thrust of your props, even at less than 500 rpm. They certainly don't think about speed as much as they concentrate on "No Wake".

1. "No wake zone" doesn't mean "No Passing Zone". If there's room...
2. In the Weirs Channel, just keep going at your slowest steerage speed. Don't blow your horn until your bow pulpit/anchor is just about even with the transom of the boat that is going too slow. They'll add a little more throttle.
3. Send somebody up to the bow to speak, not shout, with the offender and tell them you can't go any slower, safely.

I've seen these methods used with great effect.
The Weirs Channel is a difficult example for logic, when many people are there to "Cruise Main Street" not to transit to/from Paugus Bay.

There used to be explanatory signs by the bridge and at the south end of the Weirs Channel explaining that it should take 5 minutes from that point to the equivalent sign at the other end. The signs are long gone, but in my mind, if I were going slow enough to read the sign out loud, my speed was about right. No speedo, no GPS in those days. When I did get a boat with a speedo, it didn't register until about 10 kts.
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