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Old 07-16-2014, 03:16 PM   #10
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As most other have said, no I would not do this. The biggest reason is that there aren't the proper controls in place.

When you look at renting your home, etc. Insurance companies make some concession and liability insurance isn't not a big deal $$$ wise. Because hey everyone has a home, and we all have visitors, so a renter isn't that much a bigger risk.

However as someone points out giving a renter access to you boat, when you don't know if they have training and experience is a big risk and liability and your insurance agent would charge you through the roof. When my family has rented our camp, we will not even give renter access to the canoe....

Now back on point, if you rented a boat how are you going to verify credentials... Sure in NH they have to have a Safe Boating Cert. But what does that prove? Not much... They won't have a log book from a recreation stand point, so they can't prove experience. In short no control. Last you have no way of telling if they have insurance to protect your investment if they do something stupid.

If you look at aviation to draw avenue of comparison, renting a private plane or co-owning a plane can work. Why because there are certification needed to fly particular aircraft and it is regulated with not only written tests but practical applied tests in actual planes. Pilots also have log books indicating their flying experience. Pilots can also purchase insurance, to cover their liability should they crash your plane. Take this all into account and renting or sharing a plane makes sense.

Unfortunately the Marine industry at the recreation, average joe level is not set up well to enjoy, sharing personal boats.
Life is about how much time you can spend relaxing... I do it on an island that isn't really an island.....
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