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Old 07-16-2014, 10:24 AM   #2
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Maybe... if I had an old boat and didn't care about additional wear and tear, dings and dents, spilled food and drinks, etc.

How would you feel about wine stained cushions and fabric?

I had a friend that used to do something similar like this out of Boston with a sail boat. His idea was that he would cut/share his boating costs.

But after a year (or was it two?) he stopped doing it. His boat was getting beat up. He also had someone that thought it was cheaper to rent his boat every weekend and use it as a waterfront condo in Boston. So my friend lost his weekend use of his boat (but of course, he made the income).

Then there was the time when someone hit a rock and his boat was out of commission for 3/4 of the season while the repairs were made.

So perhaps, if you had the right boat and new stains, dents and dings wouldn't bother you.
Don't listen to me, obviously I don't understand what I'm talking about!
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