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Old 06-24-2014, 11:55 AM   #61
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Default .....them were the bad-good old days!

This year so far seems like there are less boats on the lake down at FL-3, down by the south end of Bear Island; less motorboats, less sailboats, and less kayaks; less all types of boats. It is usually very empty of any boats which is very different than in the past.

It used to be that the performance style boats were the die-hard boaters who would be out there in any weather and any time of day, but not any's become a much quieter lake....and a little bit boring. I kinda miss the bad ole days, when there would be 2-3 feet wakes rolling in all Saturdays and Sundays, and the noise level sounded like your ears were inside a chainsaw .....them were the bad-good old days.....sigh!

Ya knows....going 45-mph in a boat is hardly going slow .... especially going 45-mph in a kayak.

.... Sundays; nine to noon in the speed limit Sundays ....bring it on!

...who knows ... total conjecture here ....but maybe the kids in the Meredith Bay kayaks were out with no pfd's on-board, and kids below a certain age are required to have pfd's on-board .... plus as public safety officers, the MP's have the discretion to use their judgment to stop what they think is an unsafe situation ....
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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