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Old 02-28-2014, 07:16 PM   #96
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Default No arguement here...

As I sit here tonight, I have 1-2 bars, still 3G. Not sure why... I am on an acre and a half of land, and the cell phone extenders are good for about 4500 sq ft. That would be a 40 ft radius.

I borrowed one from a friend, and could not go out of the house to the porch on the side of our garage and get a signal. Not sure what is going on... but I notice the signal is a little less tonight than during the day.

Not sure if they are working (daytime hours) on getting it up and running. I guess time will tell. I certainly do not have the signal to contemplate getting rid of my landline.

Your picture of the new array being installed is certainly a positive sign, and from what I heard a few weeks or so ago, maybe just a little longer, was they were trying to get TDS to get the phone lines in to the site.

From my end, it appears it is up... but not nearly as good as ATT... as I said, I hope they are still working on it.

And thanks for your input, Keng3. Between us, we will be able to sort it out eventually.
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