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Old 10-16-2013, 10:05 PM   #32
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Janet Yellen, newly nominated chair of the when looking to hire a babysitter for their son, back in the early 1980's, chose to offer higher pay thinking that a babysitter happy with the higher pay would do a better job, and she says her theory was correct ...... way-to-go Janet! ..... u know that after she gets confirmed .... she serves for maybe ten years or so!

Meanwhile, the Massachusetts legislature is currently considering raising their state rate up to ten dollars/hour over the next two years or so.

And in 2011, the New Hampshire legislature, under a Republican majority eliminated any New Hampshire minimum wage which had been 7.85 or so, rescinding it over Gov John Lynch's veto, so the NH rate went from 7.85 down to the federal rate of 7.35, or something like that.

So, it just goes to show; under the Republicans, the local State of NH owned roads in Meredith like one-mile long Barnard Ridge Rd and the six-mile long Meredith Neck Rd are left to fall all apart with crumbly old asphalt and permanent frost heaves and the wage rate goes down which probably makes some people all happy .... is this your NH republican road you want to be driving ... especially if you is driving a motorcycle!
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 10-22-2013 at 09:21 AM.
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