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Old 08-26-2011, 02:46 PM   #1
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Default "Riding The Storm Out"

I have decided to ride the storm out at the island camp this weekend and hope for the best. One boat will be brought to Fay's in it's covered slip and the other will be with me at the camp on the West side of Welch tied down really well.

My two jet skis will also be on their lifts in the water as I have no other place for them right now. I will strap them down to their lifts and hopefully they will survive.

My swim raft is also being left out, it's on a 1000 lb mooring weight with new chain and rope and it has my name on it. I hope it stays in place but I wouldn't be surprised if it busts free, I simply don't have the time to do anything else to secure it better right now and can't pull it in alone.

I will put away and / or secure all outdoor furniture and accessories and strap down the gas grill on my deck.

I recently cut the large dead trees around the camp and hopefully all others will remain in place when and if the high winds hit.

I have a good generator and plenty of gas so if and when the electricity goes out I am all set. It seems to go out pretty easily on Welch whenever there is high wind.

I think my biggest concern right now is the many trees I have around the camp staying in place and one of my patio sliders possibly breaking, that would really stink!!

I have a portable weather station at the camp that shows wind speed. It will only be accurate if and when the winds come from the Southwest, West or Northwest as the wind meter is protected on the East by the island. If I have an internet connection (Verizon air card) I will post some of the speeds I encounter while out on the island.

If the bad winds are from the South, that would be good for me as I will be somewhat sheltered. Once they come from the west they will be dead on and brutal.

While I hate they way most weathermen / women have falsely predicted doom and gloom for every storm, I think they might be right on this one...

What are other islanders doing to prepare??

Stay safe!!


Last edited by ishoot308; 08-27-2011 at 07:51 PM.
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