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Old 07-04-2011, 08:03 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by jrc View Post
Second $406 is not a ton of money
This is very true, and one the things that has me puzzled about this.

I doubt they just outright hit him with a fraudulent charge for no work done. *If* that is true, then you have to image their total profit on this can't be very much, $200ish at most? Why would they risk their reputation as a marina, and with an apparently long standing customer for $200?

I've never heard of anyone else claimed LL did unauthorized work like this, so it doesn't seem like a trend. They'd have to be doing it with a high frequency in order for it to be worthwhile, which makes it likely we would have heard from someone else with a similar report.

I still think they did the work in good faith and had an honest mix-up. Their handling of the overdue bill sounds a bit harsh, but I'm inclined to think the conversation was a little more nuanced than what was laid out here (no offense to the OP, but in the heat of passion things can be mis-remembered).

As others have pointed out, there is a way to handle this as a strict interpretation of the law, and a way to handle it after first determining if it really seems like there was genuine malice or fraudulent intent.

I'd bet that LLM did *not* value $200 (or even $406) above their reputation and history with a previously loyal customer.
[insert witty phrase here]
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