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Old 05-04-2011, 06:37 AM   #10
lawn psycho
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Sandy Helve is very astute, "this isn't over"

When a law is passed and does nothing it was intended to do the opposition will remain. When you change a law on lake that turns an everyday activity into technical lawbreakers, that's a problem. If anyone thinks a boat doing 55 MPH on Lake Winni is an issue, then look at the safety record over the last several decades. Emperical data will always ***** F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real)

There is a small faction around the lake (Hutchins, Helve, BI, APS, Rusty, Skip, and others) who must be very miserable if they have to spend this amount of time trying to restrict more and more activities on the lake. From reading their descriptions of the lake, it sounds like it's a miserable place to be with or without a SL.......

This is not a "victory" for anyone. I hope this fact is not lost in the discussion.
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