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Old 03-03-2011, 07:15 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by TiltonBB View Post
Enough Crap!

I have been boating on Winnipesaukee for over 40 years and I own both residential and commercial property on the lake in two different towns.

Anyone (really anyone) who tells you that the speed limit is either needed or has made one bit of difference is delusional.

Every summer I am out in my my boat at least 5 days a week from May 1st until sometime in October. The only change that I have seen while boating on the lake is that for the last two years there has been reduced traffic because of the economy. The proof of that is that marinas have many slip vacancies and the gas consumption on the lake is down substantially. Ask the marina owners.

There is no credible evidence that the speed limit accomplishes a thing except to waste the time of legislators, marine patrol, and citizens and taxpayers!

The clowns that keep pushing this should find a new hobby!
How much reduced traffic was there, i.e., 100 less boats or maybe 1000 less boats? It’s easy to say you saw less boats, but how many? Certainly if you know for a fact that there were less boats then you must have a count from prior years to compare it to.

Evidently you went to each marina on the Lake and asked each of them about how many slip vacancies they have compared to prior years…..could you share that number with us? Maybe you took pictures from prior years and then went around and compared them to what you see now. Please share that with us also.

Gas consumption is down substantially….how much down compared to prior years? You must have that number so why not share it with us. There is no sense in all of us going around and bothering the marinas when you have already done that.

Thank you for all your research and I will be waiting for this very important data.
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