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Old 02-28-2011, 09:11 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by kauriel View Post
It would make sense that stations should have to sell gas based on what it was purchased for but then stations would have difficulty unloading gas when prices drop because other stations would have cheaper gas.

I realize some people may have loyalty to certain brands but I buy whatever is cheapest!
I am not in the energy business and never have been.

I did have an issue one time few years ago with one of the major propane companies. One delivery -the unit price was quite high compared to other companies at that specific time. At that time there was a sliding scale for the unit price of propane - and the price charged to customer - was dependent on usage. I heat with propane so my usage was higher then say someone who just has a hot water heater or gas stove. So I visited the propane company office and spoke with the district manager. And he showed me all these graphs and charts - on the computer - and how the price varies almost from minute to minute - a slight exageration on my part - but price does vary depending on where the propane is. As I recall he mentioned ports such as Portsmouth and propane tanker ships. And that the propane on any given ship may be bought and sold multiple times with varying prices. Most of us only complain when price goes up. The propane company does not want to be stuck with a tanker ship delivery of propane that is higher then the competition. All in all it appeared to be a complicated issue - as to price.

As to automobile gasoline. From what I read the gasoline comes in by ship in tankers - or - a pipeline that terminates somewhere in NY state. And that gasoline is gasoline. Travel to Logan Airport and view the tanks there in Chelsea. From memory - the largest depot is owned by a company called Northeat Petroleum or some similiar name. And many of the brand names of gasoline purchase from them. So what is the difference in gasolines then? Some state that each tanker truck - or delivery truck - by brand - there are addititves placed in tanker truck - so that one brand actually may be better then the other. Others state that this is hogwash. I don't really know.

So is gasoline just gasoline? Depends on where you get your information. Maybe someone in the gasoline delivery business can chime in.
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