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Old 02-25-2011, 04:04 AM   #13
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Arrow The Witches Canal...

Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
It just seems like the racing boats have a big following of fans and deserve a venue on the lake....Four hours out of the whole week would be a nice compromise.....what the heck....let the lake go speed-noise-crazy on Sunday morning for a FAST FOUR HOURS when most everyone is either asleep or at church or too hung-over and won't even notice it....... rooster tails seen through the 12 x 50 binocs that get closer and closer.......zooooooooooooooom! Big fast boats have been roaring up and down the lake since the 1930's so it's a well established Lake Winni tradition! Setting up a time slot from 8-am to noon....would give it a time, place and home for both the big speed boats and the big speed boat fans......rrrrrrrrrrrrrzzzzzzzz! Lots of folks would probably just like to be spectators, and set out on the water and spectate the fast boats....just like down at the Nascar track.
There's a natural ocean channel along the coastline of France, where wind-surfing records of over 50-MPH are regularly set. It has the triple advantage of:

1) strong winds and

2) relatively shallow water that

3) is shielded from the heavy surf that would ordinarily make it too choppy to set records for any wind-powered vessels.

Windsurfers from around the world try to set their "personal best speeds" in that very channel. (Another similar venue lies in far-away Australia).

Although it's proven extremely deadly to innocents, passengers and "drivers", the fastest boat speeds are recorded in man-made canals. With funds from the NMMA, a man-made canal could be constructed out of "The Witches", then advertise it world-wide for speed attempts.

Extreme boats could launch in Lake Winnipesaukee to set their own personal record—at any time of their choosing. "Extreme" boaters could enter The Witches Canal at a legal speed—and then "let-er-rip".

As before, "Extreme boaters" can carry alcohol on board—but be certain to obey the rule that takes into account your closing speeds of three miles every minute! The only rule would need to be: "One-Way-Only"!

Spectators lining The Witches Canal would bring the usual benefits to the local economy, while such a conversion would enlighten everybody to the boating hazard that was formerly "The Witches".

Another advantage to Lake Winnipesaukee: "Extreme" boaters wouldn't get their boats possibly smudged by having to use them in the open ocean!

Originally Posted by Yankee View Post
Please enlighten the membership as to which part of this statement that you do not understand:

"every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed that is reasonable and prudent under the existing conditions and with regard for the actual and potential hazards then existing so that she can take proper and effective action to avoid endangering or colliding with any person, vessel, object, or shore and be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions."
I've been subjected to all the regulations in "Rule 6"; however, I consider "Rule 5" far more important on a lake with 253 islands. (We forget that deadly Diamond Island borders the Broads).

But to answer your questions, all boaters in compliance with "Rule 6"will be able to avoid the shrimping fleets in the Broads!

Originally Posted by lawn psycho View Post
Here's an image I shot. Can someone please tell me how "dangerous" this was (hint: sarcasm)?

It's hard to say from that very instant; but with "special-thanks" to Dave R, a few seconds later, it might appear like this...
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