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Old 12-15-2010, 08:44 PM   #41
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Default Tax Structure

Originally Posted by Lakegeezer View Post
Are there any calling for more services from the state yet asking that state taxes not be raised to pay for them? For example, the person powered craft lobby was pretty active in passing laws to keep them safe. Why shouldn't those who benefit from enforcement services, pay for the benefit?
Because that is not how our tax system works. If it did, and the people who benefit from government services paid their own way, wouldn't your taxes increase for each dependent instead of going down? Wouldn't a single, childless person pay less in taxes because they required less from government services such as schools?
The system is pre-loaded and structured to take the money from those who earn it and have it, not those who consume the services paid for by taxes and fees.

Hmmm........That does seem kind of backwards.
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