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Old 10-25-2010, 05:01 PM   #151
sunset on the dock
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The biggest thing we noticed this summer was a difference in our trip through the Broads to go to Wolfeboro. Same huge performance boats coming up behind you (we wondering whether our relatively small boat will be seen) then passing by you with a deafening roar. No boats tearing out through the inlet to Wolfeboro Bay at some ungodly speed. We were far more comfortable having the kids out in kayaks and our 11 y/o seemed so proud to have a little more independence which comes not only with age but our comfort level to let him venture further from the cottage. Our neighbors pretty much agree that the noise level was significantly less. The whole scenario seems more in tune to what people want when coming to the lake for recreation. And all this with businesses in the area (according to some article I read in the LDS or Citizen) reporting they are doing significantly better than last year.
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