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Old 09-08-2010, 04:38 AM   #196
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Cool Imho...

Originally Posted by SIKSUKR View Post
Well I spent an hour from about 12 or 12:30 on Saturday in the BP zone just to watch the mayhem. Guess what? I saw just the opposite. 5-6 times I watched as numerous boats approached each other and every time all parties came to headway speed when appropriate. Everything looked very orderly to me.
Found HN's camp and lingered out front for a minute but no boats were present so I moved on. Wanted to introduce myself HN, maybe next time.
If you found HN's camp, then you also found the widest part of the Barber's Pole channel.

If you overlooked Squirrel Island, you overlooked the narrowest part of the Barber's Pole channel.

Originally Posted by chipj29 View Post
I have asked this of you before, with no response. So I will ask again.
What is so unsafe about having alcohol aboard a boat? He stated plainly that the operator of the vessel is never under the influence. So are you saying that it is unsafe for a responsible adult to have an alcoholic beverage onboard a boat?
When "responsible" and alcoholic" appear in the same sentence, antennae should go up. Hopefully, a boating future holds nothing alcoholic to imperil Barber's Pole lakeside residents.

Houses on Eagle Island and Diamond Island would disagree—if only houses could vote. Having just left the thread on Annalee Dolls, I recall that Parker Island have homes that were likewise endangered with alcohol on board.

If you must ask if Boating and Alcohol are Unsafe—I don't want to be anywhere nearby—not that I can do anything about it: an empty bottle of Heiniken-Lite appeared on my beach this Labor Day weekend.

(The first bottle ever!)

Headlines still refer to the latest alcohol-based collision: somewhere out on the lake, an alcohol-imbiber is waiting to make boating headlines.

Originally Posted by hazelnut View Post
Apparently you and a few others can not (or will not) recognize or understand that two families do not make up "the residents" of the Barbers Pole.
Who was it, who first said, "This lake belongs to everybody"?

Originally Posted by hazelnut View Post
I was up this weekend and opted not to video...I saw little if any infractions...It was a holiday weekend but as I said the wind kept many captains on shore.
The very purpose of videotaping is to show it to those concerned about the Barber's Pole "wake" circumstance—a holiday weekend would be ideal.

The wind was strong, but small sailboats did go forth—I elected to stay on the dock. From that location, there were boats to be seen everywhere. Even if blind, you could hear their wakes hammering the shoreline—and even feel the slamming against your feet!

That you saw "little if any infractions" isn't a good reason to stop videotaping: any infractions should be exposed, for a viewer to judge for himself.

Those boats came from somewhere: Not videotaping was an error.
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