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Old 09-01-2010, 08:19 PM   #176
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Well APS and SOTD it's pretty obvious what your MO is - simply orchestrate a "crisis" take a few pieces of evidence completely out of context, if that's not possible fabricate whatever is necessary to make others believe the foolishness you're spewing. There is simply no supporting factual evidence thus provided that comes close to support the erroneous claims of yours that the BP is an out of control area where people's lives are at risk and boats are flying through there at 70 MPH. I find it beyond comical that these claims are even taken seriously but alas the fictional depiction of utter chaos and throw a little more dramatics on as icing on the cake make the story is as bleak as possible seems to work every time. Disingenuous, shameful, deceitful, deceptive just a few words that come to mind. Why not just be honest about your intentions and spit out what it is you really want, it's OK no need to be embarrassed we already know.

You're as transparent as a piece of glass and we all see right through you... but no worries your postings are useful for one thing - comic relief.
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