Thread: Forum Fest
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Old 08-23-2010, 06:47 AM   #9
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Thanks for all your hard work this year.... it was a joy to come and meet so many wonderful people and put names with faces... Next year hopefully I will be able to come and hang out for more of the fest. But that be as it may, I enjoyed meeting those I was able to meeting and chat with, before the boys got board....

Skip I enjoyed our conversation quite a bit, and hopefully the future will hold a chance for us to sit down and talk some more...

RG^2.... it appears I will be catching up with the two of you soon... I will make sure Jessica is with me, the boat ride on Sunday went just fine...

To all the other I ment, it was wonderful to put faces to names, I look forward to future conversations, and meeting as well....I find the more people I meet, and the more people I recognize when I am out, the more the lake becomes my true home....

Massachusetts, is just where I go to work... to afford my home....
Life is about how much time you can spend relaxing... I do it on an island that isn't really an island.....
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