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Old 04-13-2010, 09:31 PM   #1
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Default Fireball falling from the sky

At 8:15 this evening while driving home from work I saw the most amazing thing. I was driving down Gilford Avenue, admiring one very bright star slightly off to my right. Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement, and shifted my eyes to the left where there was a huge fireball falling out of the sky. Now I've spent countless hundreds of hours watching the night sky, and I've seen literally thousands of meteor showers. I've also seen fireballs race across the sky, but never have I seen one fall out of the sky. The closest thing I could think of to describe it would be perhaps a single ember of a firework as it fell from it's zenith, only this was very large. It also left a sort of smoke-trail behind itself, also very similar to the way a firework would leave one. That trail lasted a good sixty seconds or so before it finally dissipated.

I had pulled over and scanned the sky to see if there was some visible source, but there was nothing.

So, anybody have any ideas on what I saw?

Oh, and did I mention, it was very, very cool?
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