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Old 01-01-2010, 03:29 PM   #699
Mink Islander
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Default GPS error defense

What a stretch that argument will be. Driving a boat late at night -- in the rain -- and fog -- on plane -- after knocking back a few -- but relying on your GPS to keep you from running into anything? What about maintaining a safe watch? Your GPS doesn't see other boats! What about driving too fast for the conditions? If you'd been going slower (a lot slower), the impact wouldn't have been so catastophic and probably a life would have been spared. No, the captain owns full responsibility for this accident.

Moreover, I think telling the court you were relying on your electronics to keep you out of trouble and that a failure there caused the accident would seem to support a wreckless boating argument not excuse causing the accident.

But when you have little defense, I guess you try any argument.
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