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Old 10-08-2009, 08:18 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
load of BS...crawl back in your troll hole ...lies...posting of is just that, lies...pissed me off...a continuous load of crap that you made up
This type of bullying rant might frighten the little mrs, but it really has no value here. You guys seem to believe that anyone who disagrees with you must be lying, and that if you yell loud enough, call them names, and use aggressive language and curse they will submit. Sorry.

Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
Where did you find that his boat flew 7 feet in the air
Do your own homework like I did. Read the reports like I did. Look at the photo of the re-enactment and put a scale on it. Littlefield's water line is at least 7 feet above Hartman's waterline in that snapshot, and might have been higher when his flight peaked. Now are you the liar? Or do you merely disagree with me? Stop the tough talk. It does not become you.

Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
It was MP that estimated 28mph based on countless hours of investigation.
Wrong. The MP had no skidmarks or witness testimony of his speed preceding the collision. Regardless of their "countless hours of investigation", they had no scientific bases for establishing his speed. Hence their reliance on his testimony that he was "only" going 28 MPH. Or was it just a remarkable coincidence that they determined his speed to be exactly the same speed he said he was going? Now are you the liar? Or do you merely disagree with me? Stop the tough talk. It does not become you.

Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
You are 5000lbs over on the weight of the boat
Wrong. His boat was a 36 foot Baja Outlaw with twin 454's and twin outdrives, was fuel heavy, had a full passenger compartment, and was going at least 28MPH. The four props alone weighed over 200 pounds. Do your homework before you call someone else a liar. Stop the tough talk. It does not become you.

Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
It has been argued time and time again that if he was doing the suggested 25mph the results would have been the same.
It has been argued?!? It has been argued?!? And that makes it a fact? And I'm the liar? You're trying to say that if he had been going only 25MPH Mr. Hartman would still be alive, and I'm the one spewing BS? What are your sources for this "fact"? How was this conclusion derived? Now are you the liar? Stop the tough talk. It does not become you. And it just makes you look worse when your accusations fly back at you.

Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
Had he flown his boat 50 feet through the air and landed on that boat he would have flattened it and kept on going and everyone on the 21' boat would be dead.
Stop twisting Mr Honesty. When did I say he was going through the air before the collision? His flight began at impact, as I said. Stop the tough talk. It does not become you. And it just makes you look worse when your accusations fly back at you.

Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
The jury could not prove him to be drunk
Correct. He was acquitted as I said. He was found "not guilty". In America that means he was innocent (innocent until proven guilty). There was also insufficient evidence to prove his speed was excessive, so in that case, you take the position that his speed was not excessive. Why the double standard? We all know he was drunk and he was driving way too fast. Had he obeyed our DUI laws this accident might not have happened. Had he been traveling at a safer speed this accident might not have happened. Had he aided the Hartmans instead of fleeing Mr Hartman might have survived. Be honest enough to admit all the facts before you start calling others liars, you glass-house hypocrite. Stop the tough talk. It does not become you. And it just makes you look worse when your accusations fly back at you.

Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
The speed limit would not have prevented this accident, nor the Diamond Island incident.
This is just "a load of BS...lies...posting of is just that, lies...a continuous load of crap that you made up". Unless you "post your source and it better be able to be verified, otherwise you need to crawl back in your troll hole".

Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
Putting police patrols on the public docks on weekends looking for intoxicated boaters leaving restaurants would have saved at least one life out of these two that have passed.
Agreed. But two rights don't make a wrong.

Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
In case you'd like to get your facts straight, here is the link to the Supreme Court ruling on the case.
I've listened to the hearing several times. I see no place where anything I have said is contradicted. Did you listen to it? If you can find anything in it that proves me a liar, please post it. Otherwise, shut up.
Did you hear the part where the justices talk about the speed limit? "Seems pretty fast at night, no?...You mean they don't have a speed limit on the lake?"
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