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Old 10-07-2009, 08:24 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by elchase View Post
NR, Do you really think that the 7 people on this thread who think that there should be no limit on such a dangerous activity are going to swing an election? I hope the Republicans regain power too, but do you really think safety is a party-line issue? I don't think of the Democrats as the "Safety" party and as Republicans and the "No Rules" party, do you? I don't think that with over 60% of NH Republican voters favoring the Speed Limit, Republican candidates are going to be running on a "No Limits" campaign pledge.
While I admit that we might have had some arrogance in the Republican Party after having held court so long in the past, I hope and expect we'll see a Republican Party more in tune with the interests of its constituency next time around. The people I saw out on the lake last summer looked more like my idea of a "Republican" that the flamboyant trust babies in the $200K speedboats out there in previous years, no?
The more likely impact on Concord's decision will come from the big money behind the hi-speed boating industry. We'll need to be watching very carefully to see how those who got rich off ruining our lake try to influence the legislation.
How does one become a flamboyant trust fund baby- it sounds pretty good. Do bon-bons come with the position?

Not to become too political, but if the Dems and Repubs spent half as much time paying attention to the 80% of us in the middle and ignored the wackjobs that represent the 10% on either side, we would be much better off.
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