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Old 09-23-2009, 07:22 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by Kracken View Post
The speed limit threads are some of the most popular threads on this site. The debate has been wildly entertaining, heated and passionate on both sides, but it should come with a warning: For entertainment purposes only.

Both the supporters and the opponents have given facts to support their sides. It would have been fantastic if the members of could have reached a compromise and then sent it to Concord. After all, four thousand plus agreeing on the speed limit would certainly influence an elected official. Unfortunately we didn’t even come close.

I believe the people of New Hampshire should decide the fate of speed limits on Lake Winnipesaukee. Unfortunately that is never going to happen. Most people think we live in a democracy, well we really don’t. We live in a republic and there is a very big difference. In a republic, well funded small groups can lobby their representatives and persuade them to passing or blocking legislation. They can generate propaganda and get public support by misrepresenting the facts. They can create fake groups and solicit donations to further their cause.

Does anybody think it odd that since House Bill 847 passed we have heard nothing from Winnfabs? Their website has not been updated since January 30, 2008. Winnfabs claims to be “a group of citizens who love Lake Winnipesaukee and who want to ensure safe family boating and preserve the beauty and serenity of the lake for present and future generations.” Does their silence mean they believe the lake is now safe? If they were not simply a special interest group created for the sole purpose of getting a speed limit passed wouldn’t they still be actively promoting safe boating practices? I have a strong feeling we will once again be hearing from the Winnfabs. They will be looking for donations to help champion their cause, to make the speed limit permanent.

I am against small groups of special interest people imposing their will upon everyone. I am against people who want to censor those with opposing views. If the majority of people in this state wanted the speed limit while I would still disagree with it, I could accept it. When a law is passed by making deals with legislators that becomes a concern for everyone.

Let’s look at the letter Mr. Chase wrote to the Sun. He states his opinion as he stated it many times here. I have no problem with that. What is reprehensible is his attempt to silence his opposition (he tried that here too). He actually urges the paper not print any opposing views without carefully checking out the background of the author. Well who is checking on you Mr. Chase? He also represents all who oppose the speed limits as outlaws, liars and cowboys. For those of you who support the speed limit, you can’t possibly want to be identified with this.

The most discouraging aspect of the speed limit debate is the silence from the majority. I understand that the law doesn’t affect most people and it is easy to stay out of the way. I not only understand, I was one of you until 3 months ago.

The Lake has changed, and not for the better. Not to long ago on our lake every boater waved and smiled to every other boater. There was a bond among boaters, a bond that transcended what type of boat it was, a belief that more things drew us together than pulled us apart. That is the Lake Winnipesaukee I want to return to.
Could you please submit this to the Laconia Sun? This is excellent! You eloquently stated what many feel here and what many many friends of mine feel.

I'm serious when I say this but I NEVER come across anyone in the Lakes Region that supports the Speed Limit. I swear to god I am not lying. I am in the lakes region all summer long, on my boat, in restaurants, arcades, gas docks, stores, friends houses. Literally hundreds of places and hundreds of people. Some are friends some are acquaintances, some are total strangers. I never ever ever come across any supporters? Why is this? Try it for yourself. Randomly figure out ways to work it into conversations with people around the lake. Waiters, waitresses, gas dock attendants, neighbors. The key here is to not give away your position. Just say something like. "Is there a Speed Limit on the lake?" Then see their reaction. Most roll their eyes. Then engage in conversation and you'll quickly find out NOBODY supports it. I'm not lying, I did this a lot this summer and I continue to do it. It's sort of my unofficial poll. I never reveal my feelings on the matter I just hmph, shrug my shoulders and wink at my wife. She has been keeping track of what I do and when I do it. She concurs although she doesn't care one way or the other. She won't even drive the boat.

Note: I never tried this on Bear Island
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